2025 Mexican Rally

Chapter 8 Mexican Connection 2025 Mexican Rally
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been working hard behind the scenes, and I’m thrilled to share some exciting updates about the future of the 2025 Mexican Connection rally!
I’m delighted to announce that several incredible, experienced members—including former officers—have stepped up to help lead us toward an amazing rally experience. We’ve also been joined on the Board by a prior Wagonmaster, Gary Hatt. He’ll be keeping us all updated regularly with rally news.
In the next few days look forward to announcements with links to forthcoming rally documents. We try to email most rally registration information to all members at least three days before we announce it on Facebook. The announcements will then appear on our Facebook Group page and then the details will be posted on special pages in the Chapter’s website: mexicanconnection08.com
We’re confident that this forthcoming news will bring a lot of energy and fun to our journey. The Board can’t wait to share an unforgettable time with you in Mexico!
Looking forward to all the adventures ahead!
Warm regards,
Bob Pauls, Chapter 8 President
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