2025 Rally Details

Chapter 8 Mexican Connection 2025 Rally Details
Please treat all the information on this page as being subject to chage. We are still working on specific details that will show up here when ready. In the interim, you can use this information as guidance in your trip planning.

Prepare for Rally Registration

Get ready for an adventure-filled journey at the Rally! Be sure to have both your Escapees and Chapter 8 memberships completed prior to registering for the rally.

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Volunteering During The Rally

Join the vibrant community of Chapter 8's Mexican Connection rallies and make the rally something truly special by volunteering your skills and enthusiasm!

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Make the Most of Rally Travel

We have over a dozen recommendations to increase your enjoyment on this rally.

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Baja Rally Pricing

Months of detailed planning have gone into pricing but there are some details that need to be confirmed in September. The final price will be set in time for registration.

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Rally Registration Application

The registration system will go live on October 1 2024 at approximately NOON Arizona Time.

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Cancellation and Refund Policy

In the event that rally goers want to cancel their registration we have established a sliding-scale refund schedule.

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2025 Mexican Rally Itinerary

The 2025 rally awaits your registration!

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Baja Road Conditions

The roads in much of Baja are similar to the roads in the US, some are great, some, well, not so much.

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Camping Conditions in Baja

Like most Mexican camping, this is mostly a dry camping rally.

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Food and Rally Meals

There is no need to worry about access to quality food during the rally. We will have potlicks, use local restaurants, and have access to large shopping venues.

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2025 Charity Activities

A core component of all Chapter 8 trips to Mexico is doing charity works for local organizations and people.

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