Forum Community Guidelines

Chapter 8 Mexican Connection Forum Community Guidelines
If there were twelve rules placed on a stone tablet for our site, they would be these:
Thou shalt not:
      • Violate copyright or intellectual property restrictions violations.
      • Commit or conspire to engage in any Illegal activity.
      • Publish harassment or hateful speech, including discrimination, hate speech, bullying, or targeted attacks.
      • Impersonate other users.
      • Send Spam and scamming content!
      • Exhibit sexual content or nudity.
      • Sanction any violent conduct: extreme violence, graphic violence, threats, gore, obscenities.
      • Harm others or act maliciously.
      • Share private information (a.k.a. doxing, the action or process of searching for and publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, typically with malicious intent).
      • Promote products/services without disclosing any relationship you have with the brand.”
    ~ Source: UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
    We appreciate your adherence to these guidelines.

    Remember, online communication lacks verbal cues. Respond carefully, be clear, and keep your sentences and posts brief.
    If there were twelve rules placed on a stone tablet for our site, they would be these:
    Thou shalt not:
    ~ Source: UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
    We appreciate your adherence to these guidelines.

    Remember, online communication lacks verbal cues. Respond carefully, be clear, and keep your sentences and posts brief.
    If there were twelve rules placed on a stone tablet for our site, they would be these:
    Thou shalt not:
    ~ Source: UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
    We appreciate your adherence to these guidelines.

    Welcome to the Escapees Chapter 8 Forums!

    We are excited to give you a warm welcome to this space. 
    Our mission is to help our members of the RV travel community with traveling in Mexico with us on tours or to a destination rally.
    To that end, we are working to ensure that we align our actions with that purpose. These Community Guidelines should not only help you understand how to act within the forum community, but also help you understand what to expect from others in this shared space.  
    The Essentials 
    We hope our users can engage in our forums in accordance with our values-based rules of behavior.
    “Guidelines for Forum Posts

    Remember, online communication lacks verbal cues. Respond carefully, be clear, and keep your sentences and posts brief.
    If there were twelve rules placed on a stone tablet for our site, they would be these:
    Thou shalt not:
    ~ Source: UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
    We appreciate your adherence to these guidelines.


    Welcome to the Escapees Chapter 8 Forums!

    We are excited to give you a warm welcome to this space. 
    Our mission is to help our members of the RV travel community with traveling in Mexico with us on tours or to a destination rally.
    To that end, we are working to ensure that we align our actions with that purpose. These Community Guidelines should not only help you understand how to act within the forum community, but also help you understand what to expect from others in this shared space.  
    The Essentials 
    We hope our users can engage in our forums in accordance with our values-based rules of behavior.
    “Guidelines for Forum Posts
      • Participate in online forums as you would in constructive, face-to-face discussions. There should be little to no repetition in the initial posts, so it is important to get a sense of what is already being discussed before leaping into the discussion.

      • Postings should continue a conversation and provide avenues for additional continuous dialogue. A good post includes:
          • What do you think?
          • What would you do?
          • What problem or challenge will follow the original question?
          • Do not post “I agree,” or similar, statements. Expand by bringing in related examples, concepts, and experiences.
          • Stay on the topic of the thread – do not stray.
          • Indicate the main thought of your post in the subject line.
          • Do not just post a link to another document/source. Provide a synopsis/highlight of the linked reference. Incorporate quotations and include the reference and page numbers, etc.
          • Weave into your posting related prior personal knowledge gained from experience, prior coursework, discussions, or readings.
          • Don’t post just to post. Don’t repeat what has already been stated. Be sure your post addresses a new opinion or thought not yet discussed.
          • Characteristics of quality online discussion postings:
              • Substantial – posts should relate to the topic and provide information, opinions, or questions.
              • Concise – messages should be clear. Lengthy messages do not get many replies.
              • Provocative – prompts others to reply or object.
              • Explanatory – explore, explain or expand on a concept of connection.
              • Timely – Participate/read the DB regularly and reply in a timely fashion. Posting initial responses by the middle of the week gives other students time to respond. 
              • Logical – contain a clearly stated conclusion supported by premises, reason, evidence.
              • Grammatical – good, clear, concise post free of typos and fragments (similar to the tone and manner you would use within a professional environment). Do not use all caps.
    Remember, online communication lacks verbal cues. Respond carefully, be clear, and keep your sentences and posts brief.
    If there were twelve rules placed on a stone tablet for our site, they would be these:
    Thou shalt not:
      • Violate copyright or intellectual property restrictions violations.
      • Commit or conspire to engage in any Illegal activity.
      • Publish harassment or hateful speech, including discrimination, hate speech, bullying, or targeted attacks.
      • Impersonate other users.
      • Send Spam and scamming content!
      • Exhibit sexual content or nudity.
      • Sanction any violent conduct: extreme violence, graphic violence, threats, gore, obscenities.
      • Harm others or act maliciously.
      • Share private information (a.k.a. doxing, the action or process of searching for and publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, typically with malicious intent).
      • Promote products/services without disclosing any relationship you have with the brand.”
    ~ Source: UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
    We appreciate your adherence to these guidelines.

    Spread the Word