FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About RV Travel In Mexico

Chapter 8 Mexican Conn FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About RV Travel In Mexico

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What Papers Do I Need to Bring For Our Mexican Visas or Tourist Card?

The valid US or Canadian Passport or US Passport is the ONLY valid travel document to return to the U.S. -Mexico Tourist Card Information: The Mexico Tourist Card, officially called the FMM (Forma Migratoria Múltiple) is a mandatory entry requirement for all foreign nationals traveling to Mexico for tourism, business, or leisure if arriving by land. It was introduced by the Mexican Immigration Authority to keep an official record of all visitors to the country. The FMM can be used for a single entry by land and is valid for a maximum of 180 days, starting from the moment the immigration seal is stamped (upon arrival in Mexico). When crossing one of Mexico’s land borders, the Tourist Card can be obtained by completing a simple online application form before traveling. Multiple Immigration Form (FMM)
This includes submitting some basic personal data, travel document details, and information about the planned trip to Mexico. The entire form takes a matter of minutes to complete. The approved FMM is sent to the applicant by email and must be printed and presented at border control. The Mexican Tourist Card can only be used to visit Mexico for business, tourism, and leisure. It does not grant the holder the right to work or seek employment in the country. The FMM is not a visa. Travelers from countries that are exempt from applying for a Mexican visa must still obtain a Mexico Tourist Card. Nationals of other countries must apply for the relevant visa for Mexico in addition to an FMM in order to visit. All tourists must be in possession of an FMM, including children. Parents or legal guardians may complete the application on their behalf. The fee in 2023 is $687.00 pesos or $38 US. Your tourist permit must be turned in after your final visit within 180 days, at any border station’s Migracion office.

What Documentation Do I Need For The Mexican Vehicle(s) Permit (FMM)?

Vehicle permits are not required for travel only in the 2 Mexican states of Baja California and the NW part of Sonora until San Carlos. Any motorized vehicle going to mainland Mexico needs a car permit aka “Temporary Vehicle Import Permit” that consists of an official printed form and a “holograma” for your windshield. You get this at the “Banjercito” at the border. You need a photocopy of the registration (you’ll have to show the original document) and photocopy of the title of your motor home, car (s), motorcycle, 5th wheel and/or trailer, copy of the photo page of your passport, copy of your current state driver’s license & copy of Mexican tourist permit.
If any vehicle is financed, you must have a notarized letter (and a copy) from that bank authorizing use in Mexico. Payment is made by credit card (MC, Visa, AmEx, and Diners Club only) and the permit is good for 180 days with multiple entries permitted. (Approx.$60 US) 10-year permits are issued for motor homes and also for trailers and fifth wheels (US$60) — (NOT the toads or tow vehicles, those are still 6 months).
There will be a hold up to $400 on your Credit Card which is removed when you return the hologram leaving Mexico. Make 2-3 copies of all these papers at home, so you only have to get the copy of the tourist permit at the border If traveling with a motor home and toad, THE EASIEST WAY to get permits for both is to have one or both vehicles registered in both your names, so you can do 2 transactions, with different names on credit card & license. The “hologram” MUST be returned at a Banjercito, before returning to the US (unless going back to Mexico before the expiration date). Not all Mexican border stations have a Banjercito. The Mexican officials will take the holograma off your windshield– do not do this yourself! Be sure to keep the receipt they give you until your next trip. That proves your vehicle(s) left Mexico and your permit was canceled.
**If you are not sure you will travel to Mexico again, or if you are planning to sell your rig when back in the US, it is recommended to also return the 10-year permit. The actual vehicle has to return to the Mexican border for the officials to remove the holograma as the permit has the VIN# on it.** If taking the ferry from Baja to the mainland, the vehicle permit has to be acquired at the Baja ferry departure terminal in Santa Rosalia or La Paz. (“Sonora Only” permits are NOT available for RVs.)

Do I Need Mexican Vehicle Insurance?

YES! Mexican liability insurance is mandatory, written by a Mexican company through a US insurance agent). Your regular US or Canadian policy does NOT cover liability in Mexico. 

Buying Mexican Vehicle Liability Insurance for specific vehicles tends to be comparatively expensive to the cost of Mexican Liability Insurance for you U.S. Driver License.
There is an alternative. Insuring your Driver License covers you for ANY vehicle (car, truck, motorhome, a friend’s rig, rental, motorbike, ATV, etc.) you drive in Mexico. It typically costs less than $200 to insurea couple’s licenses for a year at coverages that satisfy all Mexican states. The drivers license insurance is the type of liability coverage preferred by American and Canadian Expats living in Mexico.
It is recommended to also buy comprehensive insurance for your car(s) and rig including legal help qnd Medical evacuation coverage. Be aware that on high-end coaches this can get quite pricy. We recommend that you check this cost  and coverage detail BEFORE YOU REGISTER FOR A RALLY. Some US carriers will cover only collisions in Mexico if the damaged vehicle can be fixed in the US. So, if your vehicle is undrivable, it will not be covered to be fixed in Mexico by your US insurance company. Watch the small print, some Mexican insurance companies will ONLY pay for repairs in Mexico, at Mexican labor rates. Find one that allows you to claim the accident or collision in Mexico, but if can’t be fixed in Mexico, you can have it repaired in the USA. 
For a list of reputable Mexican insurance companies look Vehicle Insurance Agencies here. Get your Mexican insurance well before you leave. You can specify start/end dates and have your policy ready before you go. Agents can fax your policy or email a PDF file. Rates are different depending on which Mexican states you will visit since the liability for fatalities is now depending on the prevailing wages in each Mexican state, but make sure that you are covered for the time and the states you may visit by yourself after the rally. Since the price difference is minimal, leave enough time to travel back to the US. Also, daily rates beyond 3 weeks are more expensive than buying a 6-month policy!

Do I Need a CB Radio?

When traveling in a Caravan or Chapter 8 Group, a Citizens Band (CB) radio and a good antenna are recommended for safety and comfort. The alternative is to use a GMRS Radio. Not only are they less expensive, but may have greater coverage. Your Rally Group leader will use the radio to advise you of road conditions, checkpoints, traffic problems & points of interest and the Tail Gunner will inform your group on passing vehicles. Handheld CB units have less power than an installed unit and often prove unsatisfactory.   Here is a primer in GMRS radios from the FCC.

Can I Bring Plants?

Mexican customs often do not care, but plants will be taken away from you when you return to the US. See DontPackAPest.com for US entry requirements of specific Items.

How Are the Roads in Mexico?

Roads can be anything from very good to very bad. The toll roads (cuota) are 4-lane highways or 2-lane with wide shoulders. The “libre” (free) roads are narrow, with no shoulders, and often a drop-off. Mexican trucks and buses hug the middle line of the road, so be careful. Do NOT go over the speed limit. Speed limits are in Kilometers (1KM = 0.6Mile). 90KM = 55 MPH

Any More Suggestions For Driving in Mexico?

A left turn signal flashing on the truck in front of you on a road without intersections probably means: it is safe for you to pass. Usually does NOT mean: I am making a left turn. On roads with no left turn or U-turn (retorno) lane, for making a left turn, go as far to the right as you can, let all traffic pass, and then turn left or make a U-turn. Be aware of “open range cattle” in Mexico.
Chapter 8 designs their rallies to keep RVs in appropriate size groups to minimize chances of danger. During our pre-rally orientation rally in the USA attendees will receive a thorough understanding of how easy it is to travel in Mexico and avoid problems.
    • Keep traveling companions and family back home informed of your travel plans. If separating from your travel group, send a friend your GPS location. If taking a taxi alone, take a photo of the taxi number and/or license plate and text it to a friend.
    • Take toll roads when possible and avoid driving alone or at night. In many states, police presence and emergency services are extremely limited outside the state capital or major cities.
    • Exercise increased caution when visiting local bars, nightclubs, and casinos.
    • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry.
    • Be extra vigilant when visiting banks or ATMs.
    • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
    • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.
    • Follow the U.S. Embassy on Facebook and Twitter.
    • Review the Country Security Report for Mexico.
    • Mariners planning travel to Mexico should check for U.S. maritime advisories and alerts, which include instructions on reporting suspicious activities and attacks to Mexican naval authorities.
    • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist.
    • Visit the CDC Page for the latest travel health information related to your travel. 

Traffic Signs and Signals

Mexico uses international traffic signs. Make yourself familiar with the road signs in AAA Mexico map. Traffic lights (semaforos) are often difficult to spot and Mexicans often ignore them. YOU DO NOT!! When green starts flashing = our yellow light: STOP! The lights are very short yellow and then turn red. The local policía love to stop gringos from going through yellow lights! This goes for Stop (Alto) signs too, they can be anywhere and may not be an octagonal shape. 
See Road Signs in Mexico

What About the Dreaded Speed Bumps Called “topes”?

TOPES (“TOE-paces”) are “sleeping police” or speed bumps, and they can be 6-12 inches high and can cause RVs severe damage — SLOW DOWN! They are not always painted or marked with signs. Some towns have a large number of topes! Watch the traffic in front of you — GO SLOW! “Vibradores” are several rows of corrugated concrete topes that can vibrate your rig apart. GO SLOW! Turn on emergency flashers. Roads may have long stretches of topes in curves and topes do appear outside the urban areas as well!

What About “Checkpoints?”

You will find roadblocks or military checkpoints anywhere in Mexico. Drive very slowly—these detours can be rough! They may ask what you carry and sometimes they will want to inspect inside your car or rig. They are mainly interested if you carry guns or drugs (“armas” or “drogas”), the answer to which of course is “NO.” They usually ask where you came from and where you are going. Agricultural checkpoints are frequently not open, but if open, they often wave RVers through. At some state border crossings are agricultural checks (mainly they will take citrus, potatoes, avocados, etc.) and sometimes spray under your rig for a small fee (mandatory). DO NOT BRING ANY GUNS OR AMMO INTO MEXICO!!


Do I Have to Know Understand or Speak Spanish?

It is not necessary to be fluent in Spanish when traveling in Mexico. Bring a phrase book, and/or dictionary and learn the numbers, and learn the basic expressions for “Hi”, “Good day”, “Thank You”, “Please” etc. Your phone has many apps for translating. Here are some common phrases to know” Or see our SURVIVAL SPANISH FOR MEXICO TRAVEL page.

What Do I Do For Medical Care? 

Doctors and dentists are good, and emergency clinics (Cruz Roja=Red Cross) and hospitals are good and comparatively inexpensive. Check with your US health insurance if they EMERGENCIES IN MEXICO (MEDICARE ALONE DOES NOT) AND HOW TO CLAIM.  SEE:  GUIDE TO MEDICAL EVACUATION FROM MEXICO


GUIDE TO MONEY, cover medical Finances & Banking Services in Mexico

Is the Water Safe to Drink?

For drinking purposes only, bring or buy bottled water. Super chlorinate all water going into your RV tank–add approx. 1 teaspoon unscented Clorox per 10 gal. Reverse osmosis water is always available at Mexican supermercados (supermarkets). Every town has 1 or more reverse osmosis water stores that can fill your bottles. “Microdyn” is for sale in Mexican markets to use in water to wash vegetables; a combination of vinegar and water will work too.

Is it Safe To Eat In Restaurants?

Get bottled water in restaurants and ask for purified ice cubes or drink Mexican cerveza! (beer) Watch out for street vendors (at topes or lights) selling fruit juice in plastic baggies; they may have a cooler somewhere, but the drink has been out for a while in the heat & can make you sick. You can and should eat typical Mexican food! Most restaurants are excellent. Even the roadside stands have great tacos etc. The meat is always thoroughly cooked. Use lots of lime on fresh vegetables and other food too. Eating garlic or garlic pills is known to prevent intestinal distress.

Can I Buy Food in Mexico?

The Mexican supermarkets have most of everything you want, but the prices of certain things (for example peanut butter) can be higher, so bring your favorite foods you can’t live without! Go to the local Panadería (bakery) for bread, rolls, cookies, croissants, and sweet rolls, the Tortillería (Tortilla Shop) for fresh tortillas (cheap by the kilo !), and the local Mercado (market) for fresh vegetables and fruit. 
Remember: Wash/Peel and/or Cook! Milk is not always available fresh; the alternative available all over Mexico is ultra-pasteurized milk which comes in cartons, it does not need refrigeration unopened. There is a law on the books in Mexico that you cannot bring ANY fresh vegetables/fruit into the country nor ANY meat products. This is seldom enforced, but at some border stations, fresh fruit and vegetables and uncooked meat will be taken away. Be prepared.

How Do I Communicate with Home?

E-mail is the easiest and cheapest way to communicate. There are internet cafes and many campgrounds and restaurants that have Wi-Fi and are free or very inexpensive. For phone calls, if your cell phone carrier offers a Mexico plan, you can use your phone, but cell coverage is not available or spotty in many places. US 1-800 numbers do not work on Mexican phones. It is recommended to get non-800 phone numbers for US companies you might want to call (parts, warranty). 
You can also buy in Mexico a Mexican cell phone with prepaid minutes or a SIM card if your cell phone will accept a card not from your carrier; it is unlocked or made for international travel. Do not dial without a phone card directly or through an operator in Mexico—it is very expensive! Mexican post office mail is very slow, and not recommended to receive mail, most areas with many expats have mailing services; if you must mail something or receive mail find a resident and locate the mailing service in the area you are in. TURN DATA SERVICE ON YOUR SMARTPHONES OFF – VERY EXPENSIVE!
Telephony Services In Mexico

Internet Services In Mexico

If you are planning to stay in one area for months at a time you should consider use of a local Internet Service Provider (ISP). Otherwise, your best solution to occassional Internet use is to find a public WiFi spot and be sure to use a virtual Private Network (VPN).
Connecting to the Internet Using WiFi in Mexico

Are the Police Corrupt in Mexico?

Despite what you hear, the police are very polite and helpful. They will give you directions when lost or help you get out of town. Mexico has several types of police: Federal Highway Police + there are State Police, Judicial Police, and local police. Obey the rules and you will not have a problem. Beware of a few big towns (especially Veracruz and Tampico!) where city police look for gringos to stop and try to collect a fine on the spot. Don’t pay if you can avoid it! Write down their badge number and say you want to pay at the police station. (pago pagaré en la comisaría.)

Are There Any Good Maps?

The annual Guía Roji is the best Mexican road map book available. Approx. $31. US @ Amazon. Be sure to get the current year’s edition! In Mexico Office Depot, Walmart or Sanborn’s sell it. It has city maps too for the larger cities. Church’s 2 Mexico camping books have excellent maps and descriptions to find campgrounds. Avoid driving through large cities in your rig. The roads are too narrow, and there is no parking. Take your tow vehicle or toad or even better take the local bus (cheap and fun). You can use GPS although most units do not have detailed maps of the Mexican countryside or towns. Mexican GPS maps can be bought (downloaded).
Baja California Road and Recreation Atlas – 2nd Edition, 2024 

What About Other Travel Aids For Tourists?

Get yourself a AAA Mexico map – free to members. Some AAA offices still have Baja maps. Other recommended reading: Lonely Planet Mexico, Frommer’s, Moon books, Mexican Govt. website http://www.visitmexico.com or 1-800-4MEXICO. Or http://www.mexonline.com There is a LOT of information online! 
Many Mexican states and towns have websites in English! States and larger towns have Tourist Offices, where you can pick up maps and brochures on local events and attractions. Not always available in English, but ask.

Is Gas and/or Diesel Readily Available?

All stations have Regular (Magna Sin), Super, and most have Diesel. Diesel pumps are BLACK, Gas pumps are GREEN! All gasoline is unleaded in Mexico and sold in liters (1 US gallon= 3.8 liters). It is not self–serve. Stay close; be sure the pump is reset to “0” before pumping. In Baja, there is a 200+ mile “Gas Gap” (no stations) between El Rosario & Guerrero Negro. Top off at any possibility. In stations that have diesel the diesel pumps are usually a separate part of the station In 2022, you can find ultra-low sulfur diesel in Mexico. For 2022, most diesel is imported from the USA and is ultra-low sulfur diesel. You’ll find UBA diesel (Ultra Baja Azufre) at highway stations. Approach humbly, chanting and coughing with your Kashkul (beggar’s bowl) as empty as your tank. UBA is not everywhere, but it’s much easier to find than last year. You are more likely to find it at international stations (Chevron, Gulf, Exxon, G500, etc.) than at Pemex, though you will find it at Pemex stations too. So today, you can drive your diesel rig in Mexico. The good news is that the availability of ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel) is improving daily. Fill up at every opportunity. You will have a hard time finding DEF, so bring plenty. AutoZone carries it.

What If I Have a Flat Tire or Need Other Car Repairs?

Places to get a tire fixed are everywhere. Generally an old big tire on the side of the road, with “llantas” or “vulcanizadora” or “desponchado” painted on it, is a place where they fix flats. Mexican mechanics are good and very resourceful. Have some useful spare parts with you, such as belts, filters, special oil, wheel bearings & grease, etc. If you need new tires, buy them at home before Mexico! Leave home with good heavy-duty tires on all your vehicles and your spares. Have your car and rig serviced before you go. For emergency road service, Mexico has the Green Angels, a free service of the Mexican Government. They are terrific and patrol most major roadways with 2 people in their recognizable green/white trucks. No charge for labor but they will charge for parts (they either have with them or get for you) and often one of them will speak at least some English. Within our rally, we will be in groups to help/stay with those in need.

Where Can I Do Laundry?

There are self-service Laundromats in the larger towns or better campgrounds, and you can leave your laundry to be washed, and folded, and pick it up later or the next day. Look for the “lavandería” or “Lavamatica.”

Is it Safe in Mexico?

It is as safe/unsafe in Mexico as anywhere else. In large cities, be aware of your surroundings. Don’t flash expensive cameras, jewelry, etc. Don’t have expensive items in view in your car and/or rig. The locals are generally very honest and polite. Don’t go into areas where you wouldn’t go at home either. Avoid crowds and have a sixth sense. Border Cities are generally a bit more dangerous,

Time Zones

Baja Norte is in Pacific time; Baja Sur (Guerrero Negro south) and West Coast of mainland Mexico to Puerto Vallarta is Mountain Time. Central Mexico and the East Coast are on Central Time.

Is The Electricity Safe in RV Campgrounds?

If campgrounds have utilities, many are only 15 Amp. Bring a tester and always check the voltage polarity and ground. Have surge protectors in your rig for sensitive equipment such as computers. Don’t expect to use microwaves and/or air conditioners unless you have a generator or powerful inverter. Bring 12v clip-on fans! Mexican voltage has been known to vary between 90 and 150 VAC! If the voltage is too high, you can buy a voltage regulator ($$$) or use a long extension cord to reduce the voltage.

Is Propane Available?

It is readily available everywhere in Mexico, often on the outskirts of towns. Butane is sold in Mexico, which is fine unless you will travel back to areas in the US or Canada where it is very cold — butane liquefies at below-freezing temps. Mexico has many trucks running on butane. Some service stations sell butane for cars only, and they can fill motor homes but not individual RV tanks. Start your trip to Mexico with full propane tanks!

What About Dumping My RV Tanks?

Dumpsites at older Mexican campgrounds are sometimes primitive and not always working. Many have only one dump. Be conservative, especially with black water. Grey water is sometimes OK to dump when parked in grassy or gravel areas, but be discrete. Bring a lot of “baby wipes”, they are perfect for a wash-up when you are in areas where there is no dumping for several days. Don’t throw TP in your toilet in your rig-use trash cans.

A Word About “Baños” – the Mexican bathrooms

You will notice in all Mexican bathrooms (even big hotels/restaurants) a waste basket for toilet paper. Do not throw toilet paper into toilets! Gross though it might sound, use the trash can in the stall. Mexican sewer pipes are narrow and old and cannot handle large amounts of paper or anything else not consumed first! It is a good habit in your rig too! Many Mexican public restrooms have an attendant who keeps the facility clean and a small fee of a couple pesos is required for use. It is not a bad idea to carry some tissues and wipes when you are out and about.

What If We Are In An Accident?

You had better have Mexican Liabilty insurance! Your Mexican vehicle liability insurance policy will protect you! It is advisable to have “legal assistance and guaranteed bail” included in your insurance policy. If possible, always go to the police station to pay a ticket or other fees. For minor accidents, if you were at fault, pay the damages directly to the owner of the other vehicle and don’t get the police involved. Keep in mind: while in Mexico, YOU are responsible for your actions. If you trip on an uneven sidewalk, it is your fault for not watching where you walk. No frivolous lawsuits here!

Are There Poisonous Animals?

Be aware when hiking the rainforests of tropical Mexico, there are poisonous insects and snakes. Around water and the ocean, there can be stinging flies, mosquitoes, no-see-ums, etc. In Baja’s desert, like our Southwest, be aware of rattlesnakes, scorpions, centipedes, etc. Shake out your clothes and shoes before putting them on. Beaches — wear beach shoes in the water & watch out for stepping on sting rays in shallow water (do “the shuffle” walk!) and encountering jellyfish in deeper water. Bring bug repellant and sunblock! See Exagerated Desert Animals

Should I Bring My Fishing Gear?

Fishing is excellent in Mexico. There are many areas where you can rent a boat and go fishing. A Mexican fishing permit is required for each person in the boat. Get a boat permit for your boat; bring a copy of your boat title/registration. 
Mexican Department of Fisheries in San Diego (619-233-6956) has information on fishing and boat permits or contact Mexican travel clubs like Discover Baja (800-727-BAJA) and (800-474-BAJA). See Sea of Cortez Fishing
Any Other Sports I Can Do While In Mexico?

Hiking and swimming possibilities are endless. In Baja, especially the Sea of Cortez, you can go kayaking, snorkeling, and scuba diving. On the Pacific side, there are surfing beaches. 4WD exploring is popular! Bring your kite! The large tourist resorts may offer tennis, golf, horseback riding, etc.

What About Transporting Guns?


Leave guns and all ammo at home or a gun shop in the US for safekeeping.

Can I Boondock in Mexico?

There are many places in Mexico where you can boondock, sometimes it is the only way! Many of the beaches, especially in Baja, allow camping. There is often a small charge for someone who acts as “vigilancia” (security guard). Eat at roadside restaurants and ask if you can stay the night, if there is room! Boondocking just by yourself is not recommended, but with 2 or 3 rigs it shouldn’t be a problem. Use common sense. Watch for deep sand and don’t get stuck!

Should I Tow A vehicle?

Your towed vehicle can be very useful in exploring the towns and countryside from your campsite. If you want to go off-road you need high clearance and/or 4-wheel drive & heavy-duty off-road tires. Some of the most interesting places are off the main drag and great to visit, so take your towed vehicle along!

Are The Mexican People Friendly?

Si! The Mexican people are very friendly and helpful. They are proud of their country, towns, churches, their homes & enjoy showing you around and helping you find what you need. Treat the Mexican people with respect and it will be reciprocated!


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