Renew or Become A New Member Today!

Escapees RV Club- Chapter 8 Renew or Become A New Member Today!

Benefits of Membership

Chapter 8 knows Mexico! We’ve been doing this since 1985!
We foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation for the Mexican people, environment, language, food, and modern folkloric traditions.
We offer you safe and enriching social experiences with the people and organizations of Mexico that contribute to multinational empathy, understanding, respect, and social connection.
With your help, we provide philanthropic support to Mexican organizations (schools, environmental groups, and other nonprofits) through in-kind labor, supplies and material, and targeted monetary contributions.
We help you develop skills and experiences that build confidence and comfort in returning to México for future RV adventures.
Memberships in Chapter 8 are critical to our success!  Memberships enable us to cover the costs of operating this website, rent, capital equipment, maintenance fees, supplies, and other overhead expenses throughout the year. The fees also allow us to recruit Escapee Members interested in traveling to Mexico. 
After becoming a member, we’ll provide member-only benefits such as program updates, calendar updates, discount promotions, etc. directly to a member’s email address. We won’t be spamming you with unnecessary emails. Promise! 
One way you can help Chapter 8 with membership growth is to Share a Testimonial that we could use in our future marketing efforts. Your help is much appreciated.
If you completed your membership requirements early in the year, when it comes time to register for the annual rally you will have already completed the two prerequisites for attending; if you haven’t satisfied the two membership requirements you will need to do so before registering and paying for the Mexico rally. You need both a membership:
      • in the National Escapees Social Network
      • in this local chapter
When joining Chapter 8 you will need to know your Escapees Membership Number, If you don’t know it or are not current with your membership, you will need to visit: 
Just enter your name in the form fields to find your membership status and Membership ID (SKP) Number. 
If you are no longer a registered Escapees RV Club member, you must visit where you can pay your national dues. When done, be sure to write down your membership number! 
If you are not yet a member of Escapees Chapter 8, you will then need to return to this page, fill out the form below, and pay your Chapter 8 dues.  Once you have completed these two membership requirements, you will then be eligible to register for Chapter 8 rallies. Multi-year memberships are encouraged so you don’t need to complete the form and pay annually.
To purchase your Chapter 8 membership select the correct duration and consider becoming a multi-year member to reduce your average annual membership price.
A 3% overhead surcharge is automatically added to each order to compensate for our overhead payment processing cost.

Thank you for your support!